Virtual Kick-Off event

ISTA Postdoc Alumni Mentoring Program

Facilitated by Kathrin Humphrey, counselor and expert in science management and science policy


13:00 Welcome & Introductory Remarks

13:05 Overview of Career Mentoring Program incl.:

  • What does ISTA expect from mentors/mentees?
  • What should not be part of the mentoring relationship?
  • Core values / guidelines (confidentiality, respect, punctuality etc.)

13:15 Session 1: What do you as mentor/mentee expect from your mentee/mentor? Discussion in Breakout groups

13:30 Report from discussion

13:40 Session 2: Getting to know each other & to briefly discuss expectations. Discussion in Breakout groups

14:00 Selection of 2-4 highlights from discussion

14:10 Q&A / Open questions

14:25 Closing